2022 Golf Tournament Sponsorships
Title Sponsor | $7,500
Lead recognition on all printed materials
Two foursomes
Welcome banner at course
Logo on golf apparel
Logo on website
Lunch Sponsor | $3,000
Signage at lunch
Name recognition
Promotional opportunities
Breakfast Sponsor | $2,000
Signage at breakfast
Name recognition
Promotional opportunities
Beverage Cart Sponsor | $2,000
Name recognition on beverage ticket
Signage on a hole
Promotional opportunities
Hole-in-One Sponsor | $1,800
Signage on all par-3 holes (4 holes)
Guaranteed face time with each golfer at the hole
Name recognition
Promotional opportunities
Golf Cart Sponsor | $1,600
Name recognition on golf carts
Signage at a hole
Promotional opportunities
Putting Contest Sponsor | $1500
Signage at the Putting Contest Green
All Golfers have entry into putting contest
Guaranteed face time with each golfer
Name recognition
Promotional opportunities
The Denver Osteopathic Foundation scholarship program has been in place since 1993. Prior to the opening of an osteopathic medical school in Colorado scholarships were awarded to 3 and 4 year medical students going to school outside Colorado.
Since the opening of Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2006 the Foundation has offered scholarships exclusively to those students. RVUCOM is a for-profit organization, unlike many of the other osteopathic medical schools around the country that are non-profit.
The number of scholarships awarded each year is determined each year by the board of directors. The amount of each scholarship is also determined by the board each year. Usually at its March/April Meeting.
Scholarships are offered to 3 and 4th year medical students. The board also considers 2nd year students matriculating into 3rd year and graduating 4th year students.
DOF works with RVUCOM to follow scholarship recipients as they go through residency training after medical school. It is our hope that they will become involved with DOF when they begin their medical careers.
Offering Medical School scholarships to eligible and deserving students committed to osteopathic medicine supports our mission to advance postgraduate osteopathic medical education. Please note, the Scholarship Application is due March 15th. To review the Denver Osteopathic Foundation Scholarship guidelines and application procedures, please download the Scholarship Application.
Upon completion of the Scholarship Application, please submit to the Denver Osteopathic Foundation, 8401 S. Chambers Road Englewood, CO 80112
For questions regarding the Scholarship Application, please contact Julie Collett, Executive Director:
Phone: 720-262-3845
e-mail: director@dofound.org
to our 2024 Scholarship Recipients!
Thanks to the generous contributions of many, we are happy to award scholarships to these students from Rocky Vista University. If you are interested in applying or donating, please see the scholarship or donation pages for more info.

Phillip Khong
Phillip feels very fortunate to have grown up in Colorado and be surrounded by a community that has supported his endeavors from the very beginning. His parents, immigrants from Vietnam, brought very little to America and had to start from the ground up. Despite facing difficulties, his parents instilled in him the importance of education and perseverance. Phillip graduated from the University of Colorado and was the first one of his family to earn a bachelor’s degree.
The holistic approach of Osteopathic Medicine aligns with Phillip’s personal cultural values and beliefs, as every individual has unique needs and that a one-size-fits-all approach to medicine is not effective. Phillip recognizes the challenges that may come with language barriers and encountering different cultures, and he would like to continue to build on this by providing care to the diverse population in Colorado.
He sees that soon, the medical field will be transformed by major technological advances, especially with the advent of AI. He is currently in the only four-year program in the country that focuses on digital health and its potential to improve patient care. Phillip is passionate about the prospect of being able to utilize digital tools in his practice to provide the best care to his patients, including telehealth consultations, electronic medical records, and other methods that improve patient outcomes and make healthcare more efficient and equitable.

Sara Khammash
Sara’s passion for medicine started when she was in elementary school. Every career day she would dress up as a doctor. She knew medicine was the path she wanted to follow and become a pediatrician. As a future pediatrician, Sara would like to incorporate osteopathic practices in many different scenarios. From Galbreath technique to soft tissue techniques where patients would benefit in a positive way.
Ideally after residency, Sara would like to stay in Colorado. Practicing at Children’s Hospital is a career goal of hers. Being a part of one of the best Children’s Hospitals in the country would allow Sara to give back to a community that has given her and her family so much.
Sara does not take being a physician lightly. She sees it as a great responsibility to be a leader in the community and someone who is trusted by individuals living there. She believes that providing the best care for her patients with the incorporation of osteopathic medicine aligns with DOF’s mission, helping patients understand what osteopathy encompasses and hopes it can be an important part of their treatment plan.

Kevin Eells
Kevin was born in Monument, CO and became familiar with medical care in Colorado at an early age. After graduating from high school, he attended Canisius University in Buffalo, New York. This was a difficult decision to move across the country, but it was an opportunity for Kevin to grow and learn life’s valuable lessons. Canisius is a Jesuit university and many of the Jesuit values mirror those of osteopathic medicine. One of the values that had a profound effect on Kevin was “cra personalis” which translates to care for the whole person.
While researching medicine schools, Kein knew that he wanted to align himself with the values of osteopathic medicine and knew that Rocky Vista University in Parker was where he needed to be. Kevin hopes to apply for residency programs in Colorado as well as establish a practice in his home state. Osteopathic medicine has a patient first mentality that pushed physicians towards treating all dimensions of the patient. This is the type of care that resonates with Kevin’s personal beliefs and experience. He believes in giving back to his community by providing Coloradoans with the same opportunity he received as a child… patient centered care.

Micheala Snow
Micheala had two lifelong dreams: to be a Denver Bronco Cheerleader and to become a physician.
She is in the process of accomplishing both of those dreams. “Keep your eyes wide with the fire of a rookie” became more than a motto during her time as a Denver Bronco Cheerleader. This lifelong dream gave her an unforgettable experience, but also instilled skills that transcended into all areas of her life…precision, work ethic and leadership which laid the foundation for her tenacity and commitment.
In high school, Michaela’s grandfather, Dr. Joseph Matarazzo, DO, handed her a pair of scrubs, and introduced her to the world of primary care. His approach to medicine, marked by warmth and personal connections, challenged her preconceptions of clinical practice. As his medical assistant Micheala, witnessed the impact of his osteopathic principals. This experience solidified her second lifelong dream -to become an osteopathic physician.
Michaela wants to pursue a career in rural family medicine; a path that offers variety, encourages self-driven achievement yet provides opportunity for collaboration, spans a diverse patient population, and will allow her to care for members of her community in their most vulnerable moments. It is her hope to take over her grandfather’s practice, continuing his legacy of osteopathic care.
4th Year Medical Student Volunteer Award
The Volunteer of the Year Award was created in 2015 by the Denver Osteopathic Board of Directors to honor a 4th year medical student who has demonstrated outstanding community service, time and leadership to DOF and its programs.
In 2023 the DOF Board voted to change the name to the Timothy Judd, DO, Volunteer of the Year Award. The name change is to honor Dr. Judd for his compassion, commitment and dedication to DOF, osteopathic medical students and the profession of osteopathic medicine and not to mention the thousands of hours he has volunteered. Dr. Judd was an integral part of DOF for 24 years and was president of DOF for 14 years before moving to San Diego.

Dr. Meredith Ware
This year’s recipient of the Timothy Judd, DO “Volunteer of the Year” award was Dr. Meredith Ware. Meredith graduated from Rocky Vista University in May 2024. While at RVU, she was the Pediatrics Club President and was active in DOF’s Food, Fun and Fitness (FFF) program. Through FFF, she gave presentations to preschoolers on healthy living throughout the Denver Metro Area.
In addition to volunteering for FFF, Meredith analyzed survey data collected from schoolteachers who participated in the program and identified areas for improvement in the curriculum. Meredith was instrumental in publishing an abstract titled, “Evaluating School Teacher Responses to a Medical Student-Led Lifestyle Education Program for Youth,” which she presented as a poster presentation for the 2022 American College of Osteopathic Pediatricians (ACOP) Conference in Miramar Beach, FL.
Over the last three years, Meredith served as a Student Representative on the DOF Executive Board. During her time on the Board, Meredith and our other Student Representative, Alyssa Inge, co-founded and implemented a novel mentorship program known as Networking in Medicine. Through this program, Meredith and Alyssa matched nearly 100 RVU medical students with community physicians who shared similar career interests. Through these mentorship relationships, medical students have been able to find research opportunities, receive career advice, and gain exposure to the specialties they are interested in pursuing.
After graduation, Meredith moved to Los Angeles where she began her residency in pediatrics at UCLA. Meredith plans to subspecialize and is currently interested in becoming a pediatric intensivist.
A good healer cannot depend on skill alone. The healer must have correct attitude, sensitivity, compassion and a sense of responsibility.
Our Mission
Elevating the health and well-being of the community, advancing osteopathic medical education , and improving the public’s understanding of osteopathic medicine.